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Under Consideration for 0.7.X, 1.1.X



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Issue ID




The border of the Memory Profiler's Snapshot Panel is placed incorrectly when the panel is resized while the window size is limited

Package: Memory Profiler


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached "memprof_window_issue" project
2. Select the Layout drop-down in the top-right corner and choose “Default”
3. Open the Memory Profiler (Window -> Analysis -> Memory Profiler)
4. Dock the Memory Profiler in the same window as the Scene view and Game view
5. Expand the Snapshot Panel by clicking and dragging its border to the right
6. Observe the result

Expected result: The Snapshot Panel is resized or the panel is prevented from resizing due to the limited screen space
Actual result: The border of the Snapshot Panel snaps to the left, overlapping the "Compare Snapshots" tab

Reproducible in: 0.7.1-preview.1 (2021.3.37f1), 1.1.0 (2022.3.26f1, 2023.2.19f1, 6000.0.0b16)

Reproducible on: Windows 11
Not reproducible on: No other environments tested

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