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[ShaderGraph] Title Asterisk (*): Not Triggered when reordering Keyword Enum Enteries
How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project named "Case_1210477"
2. Open the "Test" Shadergraph
3. Select the Enum in the Blackboard
4. Reorder the Enum's entries. For example, move C before B
5. Observe Shadergraph's tab
Expected result: * appears indicating that there are unsaved changes in the graph
Actual result: * does not appear showing that there were no changes made to the graph.
Reproducible with: 7.5.1(2019.4.15f1), 8.2.0(2020.1.14f1), 10.2.0(2020.2.0b12), 11.0.0(2021.1.0a7)
Could not test with: 2018.4(ShaderGraph was in early preview stage)
1. If ShaderGraph 8.x.x and above a pop will appear when trying to close the graph notifying about pending changes
2. When ShaderGraph 7.x.x is used and the graph is closed the pop-up will not appear and the changes will be lost
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