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[Shadergraph] Sample Texture 2D LOD does not respect texture's bilinear sample state settings

Package: Shader Graph


Repro steps:
1. Import the attached shadergraph
2. Create a material from it
3. Set the texture2D on the material to a texture2D with the filter mode set to bilinear
4. Put the material on a sphere in the scene
5. In the scene settings enable "Animated Materials" / "Always Refresh"

Expected result: the sphere cuts between the two LODs over time
Actual result: the sphere smoothly transitions between the two LODs using trilinear filtering even though the texture is set to bilinear

  1. Resolution Note:

    The UI isn't presented that way, but you can't actually do bilinear anisotropic on the hardware, so if you enable anisotropic, it forces trilinear as well.

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