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[ShaderGraph] Can enter float into exposed integer property

Package: Shader Graph


When you expose a property that is in Integer mode in the shader editor, a material using these properties will still allow a float input into this field in inspector.
In the shader editor itself, a float will not be accepted into the Default field which is expected.

1. Create a new project.
2. Install the Shader Graph package. (Window -> Shader Graph)
3. Create a new graph. (i.e. Assets -> Create -> Shader -> Unlit Graph)
4. Open the new graph in the shader editor.
5. Add a new Vector1 property in the Blackboard.
6. Check 'Exposed' and set the Mode to 'Integer'.
7. Try entering 1.23 into the Default field. The field will not allow you to add the decimal place and display 123.
8. Click 'Save Asset'.
9. In the Project folder, right-click your shader graph. Create -> Material.
10. View this material in the Inspector.
11. In the exposed Vector1 field of this material, try to type in 1.23

Expected Outcome: The field should not accept the decimal value, like the behaviour inside the shader editor.
Actual Outcome: The field accepts the decimal value with no complaint.

Reproducible in package version 7.1.6, 7.1.1, 2.0.6, 1.1.9
Errors for earlier package versions, assuming that this is not a regression.

- Tested on Windows.

  1. Resolution Note:

    So this is outside of the area of Shader Graph, as this will reproduce if you do this with a "hand written" (non Shader Graph shader), that is if you use 'name ("display name", Int) = 0' on such a shader that shader's material will also have this problem.

    As such you are welcome to reopen it and assign it to a different area, but it's not on our side.
    Also, we will include this as a feature request (as opposed to a bug) in the future of ShaderGraph's custom material inspector.

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