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[Shadergraph] After switching SRPs, shadergraphs with both URP and HDRP targets must be reimported to update GUI

Package: Shader Graph


Note: also needs to be fixed in 9.x.x
Repro steps:
1. Use a project with both HDRP and Universal RP
2. set an HDRP asset as the current pipeline asset
3. Create a new HD Lit shadergraph
4. Add Universal RP to the targets of said shadergraph, save the shadergraph
5. Make a material from said shadergraph
6. Switch the current pipeline to a Universal RP pipeline asset
7. Click the material and view the GUI in the inspector
Expected result: the GUI is for the Universal RP target
Actual result: the GUI is for the HDRP target still even though the current pipeline asset is Universal RP

  1. This is a duplicate of issue #1276432

    Need to reimport the shader when switching between RPs

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