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Fixed in 13.1.7



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Issue ID




Shader Graph Sticky Note text doesn't get saved

Package: Shader Graph


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the user's project
2. Open "test shader.shadergraph" from the Assets folder
3. Change the text on the sticky note and Save Asset
4. Close the tab and open "test shader.shadergraph" again

Expected result: the previously written text is present
Actual result: the previously written text isn't present

Reproducible with: 13.1.6 (2022.1.0b10)
Not reproducible with: 13.1.7 (2022.1.0b11, 2022.1.0b14), 14.0.2 (2022.2.0a9)
Could not test with: 2019.4.37f1, 2020.3.32f1, 2021.2.18f1, 2022.1.0b9 ("test shader.shadergraph" cannot be opened)

- Reproducible on macOS and Windows
- Only happens on the user's project

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 13.1.7):

    Fixed in Shader Graph 13.1.7

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