Search Issue Tracker
Fixed in 6000.0.25f1, 6000.1.0a2, 7000.0.0a1
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Issue ID
Select Preset "None" icon changes after switching tabs
*Steps to reproduce:*
# Open any project.
# Click on any item in Hierarchy to view in the inspector.
# Click on the Select Preset (looks like two sliders) icon between the (?) and the ⋮ on any component.
# On the Select Preset window, observe that the None option icon.
# Switch tab to "Presets", and then switch back to "All". Observe the None option icon.
*Actual results:* The icon is different after switching tabs and switching back.
*Expected results:* The icon stays the same.
*Reproducible with versions:* 6000.0.18f1, 2023.1.20f1
*Can't test with versions:*
* 2021.3.43f1, 2022.3.44f1 - UI is different.
* 2023.1.0b1 - There is no "None" option, but there is "Clear the current value" in it's place which actually uses the icon seen in step 5.
*Tested on (OS):* Ubuntu 24.04
* Did not extensively regression test as this is a minor cosmetic issue and the UI is fairly new. Please contact ticket reporter if further testing is required.
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Resolution Note (fix version 6000.1.0a2):
Search: Ensure SearchViewItem doesn't modify SearchItem state
Resolution Note (fix version 6000.0.25f1):
Search: Ensure SearchViewItem doesn't modify SearchItem state