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Sample Bezier node in VFX Graph breaks when the Particle count is higher than 32



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached “” project
2. Open the “Bug Scene” Scene
3. Observe “VFX_Bezier_Beam” GameObject in the Scene

Expected result: A clean particle strip that follows a curve is visible
Actual result: A broken particle strip is visible

Reproducible with: 2021.3.44f1, 2022.3.50f1, 6000.0.23f1

Reproducible on: Windows 11
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

- “Spawn Count” can be increased on the 'VFX_Bezier_Beam' GameObject
- The higher the “Spawn Count” the more the strip breaks

  1. Resolution Note:

    Sample Bezier node works fine, the issue is the index that is being used to compute the parameter T.
    In the sample provided, the user is adding a custom attribute "Spawn_Index" to compute the ratio in strip, using "Get Spawn Index" as the base.
    This is not correct, because particles are spawned in parallel and we can't control the order if we have more than 1 group (that is why it only happens after 32).
    Instead, the user could use "Get Spawn Index In Strip", which computes the correct value.
    From U6, the user can also use the new node "Get Ratio Over Strip" to avoid doing the calculation themselves.

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