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2.0.3-preview.1, 2.1.0-preview.1

Issue ID




[Recorder] 360 degree video is not equirectangular when using Physical Camera

Package: Recorder


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project ("")
2. Open the repro scene ("SampleScene")
3. Select "Main Camera" and make sure that "Physical Camera" checkbox is
4. Open the Recorder tab and start the recording
5. Stop the recording and check the newly created video

Expected results: Output is equirectangular
Actual results: Output is not equirectangular and cannot be played as 360° video

Reproducible with: 2018.4.16f1, 2019.2.20f1, 2019.3.0f6, 2020.1.0a21
Couldn't test with 2017.4 (package is not supported)
Reproducible with package versions: 2.0.3-preview.1, 2.1.0-preview.1

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