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Under Consideration for 1.8.X



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Poor CPU and GPU performance is observed when a PlayerInput component with notification behavior set to "Invoke Unity Events" is displayed in the Inspector

Package: Input System


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached “inspector_input_issue” project
2. Open the “SampleScene”
3. Select the “Main Camera” in the Hierarchy window
4. Open Task Manager and navigate to the Performance tab
5. Under the CPU tab, right-click and select “Change graph to → Logical processors”
6. Take note of the usage of each core
7. In the Inspector, change the Behavior field of the PlayerInput component to “Invoke Unity Events”
8. Observe the result in Task Manager

Expected result: The performance of each core is unaffected
Actual result: The utilization of one or more cores is significantly increased

Reproducible in: 1.7.0 (2021.3.39f1, 2022.3.31f1), 1.8.2 (2021.3.39f1, 2022.3.31f1, 6000.0.4f1)

Reproducible on: Windows 10, Windows 11
Not reproducible on: No other environments tested

Note: The GPU usage is also increased when switching the PlayerInput Behavior field, observed under the “3D” section of the GPU tab in Task Manager

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