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[OculusXR] Controllers are not being tracked immediately after waking up HMD in a Standalone Player and only after a ~10second delay do they recover

Package: Oculus XR Plugin


Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the attached user's project "The Master Club"
2. Make sure that OculusXR is selected as the plugin provider in XR Plugin Management
3. Connect Oculus Link to Quest 2
4. Enter Play Mode
5. Observe that the Controllers are tracked by moving them around
6. Unequip the headset and wait from 5-10 seconds for the headset to become inactive
7. Equip the headset and move the controllers
8. Observe they are tracked
9. Build a Standalone player
10. Repeat step 5-7
11. Observe the controllers are no longer tracked

Expected results: Controllers begin tracking immediately after waking up HMD in a Standalone Player
Actual Results: Controllers are not being tracked immediately after waking up HMD in a Standalone Player and only after a ~10second delay do they recover

Reproducible in: OculusXR 3.3.0 (2021.3.25f1, 2022.2.19f1, 2023.1.0b16)
Not reproducible on: OculusXR 1.13.1 (2020.3.48f), OculusXR 3.3.0, 4.0.0 (2023.2.0a14)

-Only reproducible with OculusXR Plugin
-Pressing the Oculus home button on the controller resumes the controller tracking immediately after waking up the headset, so does any input from the controller
-This creates confusion and makes the user think that the Controllers are no longer being tracked
-In 2023.2.0a14 using OculusXR 3.3.0 and 4.0.0 the controllers recover immediately after waking up the HMD
-In 2020.3.48f using OculusXR 1.13.1 the controllers recover immediately after waking up the HMD

  1. Resolution Note:

    The issue:
    Controllers aren't tracked immediately after exiting sleep mode while in standalone.

    The cause:
    When handtracking is enabled in the Quest Device itself, the controllers 'hibernate' and require button presses/physical inputs to be woken up, or otherwise do so after a significant delay.

    The Fix:
    This can be alleviated by disabling hand-tracking on the Quest Device itself. After disabling hand tracking, the controllers were tracked again immediately upon waking up the headset.
    Unfortunately, there isn't a setting in the application to disable handtracking for Standalone builds using Quest Link. The setting in OVR/the Oculus Integration package only applies to deployments on Android Devices.

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