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Fixed in 1.7.0



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Oculus XR plugin on Apple M1 chip crashes editor

Package: Oculus XR Plugin


Adding the Oculus XR Plugin 1.6.0 or higher to a project will crash the editor while adding the package when running on a M1 based Mac.

A similar crash occurs when importing the Oculus integration asset.

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 1.7.0):

    The Mac audio spatializer library currently uses instructions that Rosetta 2 does not support on M1 based Macs. Until this is resolved, we're removing the Mac spatializer library. On non-M1 based Macs, you can get the spatializer library from the Oculus integration asset.

    If you currently have a project that isn't loading because of this issue, you can manually remove/update the Oculus XR Plugin in Packages/manifest.json. If you have the Oculus integration asset installed, you might need to remove the AudioPluginOculusSpatializer.bundle from your Oculus assets folder.

    This workaround is in place in the 1.7.0 of the Oculus XR Plugin.

    An updated plugin which solves the issue is included in 1.10.0 of the Oculus XR Plugin.

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