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Fixed in 1.5.0-pre.2



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




NullReferenceException is thrown when exiting Player and the "Send Profiler Events" setting is enabled

Package: Localization Package


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the "" project
2. Open “Assets/Scenes/SampleScene”
3. Open the Addressables Settings window (Window -> Asset Management -> Addressables -> Settings)
4. Enable the "Send Profiler Events" setting
5. Build and Run the project
6. In the Player, wait for the text in the middle of the screen to change and exit the Player
7. Open the "Player.log" file (Console Menu → Open Player Log)

Expected result: NullReferenceException is not logged
Actual result: NullReferenceExceptions is logged

Reproducible with: 1.3.2 (2021.3.27f1, 2022.3.4f1, 2023.1.0a20), 1.4.4 (2021.3.27f1, 2022.3.4f1, 2023.1.2f1, 2023.2.0a21)

Reproducible on: Windows 10

Note: Reproducible in Windows Player

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