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[Linux] Editor crashes when executing project build tests

Package: Burst


*How to reproduce:*
# Open the attached project named "project-blobario-main"
# Open the Test Runner Window
# Switch to Edit mode tests
# Select and execute build tests

*Expected result:* The tests are executed without an editor crash

*Actual results:* Editor crashes during test execution

*Reproducible with:* 2022.3.19f1, 2023.3.0b5

*Possible regression point* - Burst 1.8.11 -> 1.8.12

# Only reproduced on Linux (Ubuntu 20)
# Reproducible in batchmode as well as regular Editor


  1. Resolution Note:

    Could not repeat with 1.8.12 or 1.8.16, and I can't see anything in the reproduction to indicate why burst would have an impact on this.  It looks like a memory trample, if you have a solid reproduction, please try launching unity with --burst-disable-compilation on the command line. If it still reproduces, then its definitely not a burst issue. (because the issue is a memory stomp, any difference in memory layout could cause the bug to manifest)

    If however it does not reproduce, please provide details on the specification of the machine being used. Core counts, memory etc.

Comments (2)

  1. thwachchayhngsxeiym37

    Jan 29, 2024 19:03


  2. thwachchayhngsxeiym37

    Jan 29, 2024 19:03


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