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Japanese string with ":" not serialized properly using localization package
# Create a new project with localization package
# Create a string table with the following string:
ID: \{0}
モッド名: \{1}
Mod guid: \{2}
Actual result: Console error appears Unable to parse file Assets/Test Table_ja-JP.asset: [Parser Failure at line 32: Expect ':' between key and value within mapping]
and the string is serialized as
\n\u30E2\u30C3\u30C9\u540D: \{1}\nMod guid: \{2}"
Editor: 2020.3.38f1
com.unity.localization: 1.4.3
See more info in attached project and forum post -
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Resolution Note:
Thank you for reporting a bug to Unity.
We have reviewed the issue carefully, and in this case, the team is unable to prioritize fixing this bug. There are a number of reasons we make this decision, including the impact and severity of the issue across our user and customer base, and the possibility that future plans may solve the problem in a different way, or that a workaround for the bug may be available.
Today we will be closing this case. Thank you again for taking the time to report this issue, and please let us know if there is anything else that changes the impact or severity of this issue.