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Fixed in 1.6.1



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




[iOS] App Store rejects Apps when they contain the Burst package

Package: Burst


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project ""
2. Build the project for iOS
3. Open Xcode project
4. In Xcode, click "Window -> Archive"
5. Once archiving finishes click "Distribute App" and proceed with the steps provided on the Window

Expected result: The App successfully passes Apple Validation
Actual result: The App fails Validation due to the following issue:
"ITMS-90562: Invalid Bundle - The app cannot be processed because options not allowed to be embedded in bitcode are detected in the submission. It is likely that you are not building the app with the toolchain provided in Xcode. Rebuild your entire app with the latest GM Xcode and submit the app again."

Reproducible with: Burst 1.6.0 (2021.2.0b12)
Not reproducible with: burst 1.6.0-pre.2 (2021.2.0b11)

- Current Workaround is to downgrade the Burst package to a lower version, such as 1.5.6

Comments (2)

  1. fizzyfrosty

    Oct 07, 2021 20:40

    I can downgrade to burst 1.5.6 by going into the Package Manager, clicking (+) and manually adding package by name, "com.unity.burst" and entering "1.5.6" for version. However, I am running Unity 2021.2.0b14 Apple Silicon, and I cannot compile my project (for iOS) with this version. How can I obtain Burst v1.6.1 ?

  2. cepoimario280135

    Oct 06, 2021 21:16

    same here , however i an not sure how i should downgrade burst

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