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[HDRP] Fog effect on secondary Camera creates an opaque sky effect on the Main Camera

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


Reproduction steps:
1. Create a new HDRP template project
2. Create a new Camera
3. Set the new Camera's background to "None" and Culling Mask to "Nothing"

Expected result: The Main Camera Renders the same before adding the second Camera
Actual result: A sky effect is rendered on top of the Main Camera

4. Disabling Fog Post Process will resolve the issue

Reproducible with: 4.10.0 (2018.4.30f1), 7.5.2 (2019.4.16f1), 9.0.0-preview.71 (2020.1.17f1), 10.2.2 (2020.1.0f1, 2021.1.0a9)

Note: videos in 2020-12-08, 2020-12-11 13-07-19.mkv

  1. Resolution Note:

    Indeed this result is expected.
    Since the second camera is rendered after the first one and nothing is cleared in the backbuffer, any effect rendered by the second camera will appear on top. By default Fog is one of those effect so this is why we see it here.

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