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[GPUInstancing] Returning meshes prevents them from being instanced

Graphics - General


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project 'Instancing'
2. Open the available scene
3. Change the Tag of the 'Player' Prefab to 'Untagged'
4. Play scene
5. Open the 'Frame Debugger' and enable it

Note: Objects are instanced, like expected

6. Change the Tag of the 'Player' Prefab to 'Instanced'
7. Play scene
8. Enable the 'Frame Debugger'

Result: No instanced objects seen. Returning meshes, like in the 'GPUInstancing' script, prevents them from being instanced.

Reproduced with: 5.5.0a3, 5.4.0b25, 5.4.0b19

  1. Resolution Note (2018.2.X):

    The user was calling MeshFilter.mesh for each instance, which results in each instance holding a different copy of the original mesh. MeshFilter.sharedMesh should've been used.

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