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Giving CanvasRenderer dynamic meshes creates a memory leak
Steps to reproduce:
1. Download the newest attached project("")
2. Enter Playmode
3. Open profiler
4. Look at memory usage
Result: memory leak
Reproduced on 2017.1.0a1, 2017.1.0f3, 2017.2.0b2, 2017.3.0a1
Not reproduced on 5.5.4f1, 5.6.2p4
Regression introduced in 2017.1.0a1
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Sep 09, 2019 20:59
Indeed. The "issue tracker" is pretty much unsearchable and the devs mark things as duplicate without providing a link to the issue it's apparently a duplicate of.
So is this fixed? Being worked on? Who the hell knows?
Aug 24, 2017 16:29
OK, so it's a duplicate. Where can I find the issue that this is a duplicate of?
This is so unprofessional... 2017.1 is completely unusable at this point.