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Development build can be played when Android phone enters locked state



Reproduction steps
Device setup:
1) Go to Settings -> Security
2) Enable "Power button instantly locks"
--- This setting only appears when phone has some kind of lock: pattern, pin...

Project and reproduction:
3) Open user's project
4) Build and run on a device (development build)
5) Tap the InputField
--- Keyboard will pop up
6) Press the power button to lock
7) Press the power button again to unlock
--- You will see the app again, even though the phone is locked and will not allow switching to any other screen
8) Tap the InputField
--- On Galaxy S7 and Nexus 4 keyboard pops up and allows entering text into the input field
--- On Nexus 5x only part of the keyboard will pop up
--- Expectation here is that no part of the app should be visible or interactable after the phone was locked

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