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Editor resumes when re-enabling breakpoint while debugging in Visual Studio Code
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open users attached project
2. Go to Edit -> Preferences -> External Tools -> External Script Editor and change it to Visual Studio Code
3. Open up "ScriptA.cs"
4. Add a breakpoint at line 7
5. Start debugging with Visual Studio Code
6. Add a breakpoint at line 8
7. Remove and re-add a breakpoint at line 8
Expected result: Unity Editor does not resume.
Actual result: Unity Editor resumes, even if breakpoint on line 7 is still present.
Reproduced in 2017.4.17f1, 2018.2.20f1, 2018.3.0f2, 2019.1.0a12
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Resolution Note:
Unity has so far not been able to support it. There is no reason to believe that we will get to this in the near future.