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Editor capture warning text in Memory Profiler doesn't wrap to next line
*Steps to reproduce:*
# Open a Unity project
# Install the com.unity.memoryprofiler package via the Package Manager (Window > Package Manager > + > Install package by name)
# Open the Memory Profiler via Window > Analysis > Memory Profiler
# Create a snapshot by clicking 'Capture New Snapshot'
# Click on the created snapshot in the left panel to open it
# Observe the warning text starting with 'Editor capture!' on the Summary section
*Actual results:* The text does not wrap to the next line. This means that the user has to resize the window to be large to be able to read all of it. Even on larger monitors, the Window has to be made really large, and the side panels made smaller to see the whole text. On smaller monitors, this there is even more difficulty for the user in reading the text as there isn't enough space for them to resize the monitor to read it.
*Expected results:* The text either wraps to the next line, or is much shorter so it doesn't matter that it doesn't wrap
*Reproducible with versions:* 2.0.0. 1.1.1, 0.7.1-preview.1
*Not reproducible with versions:* -
*Can’t test with versions:* -
*Tested on (OS):* Windows 11
* Main Monitor used is a 15.6 inch 4K laptop screen. The issue has also reproduced (and been a problem) on a 25 inch 1440p monitor and a 21.5 inch 1080p monitor.
* The larger the monitor size the less prominent the issue is, but it still depends on the size of the Memory Profiler Window.
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Resolution Note:
I've attached a video of how this looks for me on a 1440p desktop:
We consider this to be how this tool is designed to work; you need a reasonable sized window in order to actually read the charts and graphs, as those are cut-off as well. You can collapse the panel on the left hand side if you need more space. If you think there's more to this and/or we haven't considered something we'd be happy to reconsider closing the bug.