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Custom Spotlight Cookies don't show up when spotlights are set to Baked



How to reproduce:

1. Open attached project
2. Open scene spot_test.unity
3. Open the Lighting window
4. Bake the lighting for the scene
- Note how the spotlight cookie stays round instead of becoming a hexagon
- The cookie shows up fine when the light is set to Realtime instead of Baked
- Reproduced in Version 5.4.0b2 (d749f9c32f45), Version 5.3.1f1 (3b3e8231502f), Version 5.2.4f1 (98095704e6fe), Version 5.1.4f1 (36d0f3617432)

Comments (2)

  1. WermHat

    Nov 17, 2016 22:50

    Agreed-- this doesn't seem to be a duplicate issue. I see it discussed here (, but it's unfathomable that Unity 5 still doesn't support baked light cookies. As if translating Beast mapping to Enlighten mapping isn't difficult enough already.

  2. krzysztof_nowak

    Apr 11, 2016 10:14

    I looked for a while but can't find original issue anywhere( this one is duplicate).
    Can we please get link, like it's done with other duplicates.

    Thank You

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