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[AudioClip] AudioClip.Create crash when stream is true



Repro steps:
1) Open the project and the only scene in it
2) Play it and click on the game view few times - it will instantiate few AudioClip objects
3) Stop the scene and play it again
4) Click on the game view (sometimes more than once)
5) Notice the crash

Set the stream flag on the AudioClip object to false ( Can do that in the Inspector by checking No Stream check box )

Comments (5)

  1. ShuuGames

    Feb 14, 2016 23:30

    Having the same issue. Unity 5.3.1f1 on 64bit Windows 7. Downloading 5.3.2f1 now

  2. morita

    Jan 20, 2016 00:58

    so, you Unity QA team mark this as Duplicate. why no url to original one attached here?

  3. n.yoda

    Jan 09, 2016 06:24

    Same problem occurred in in Unity 5.3.1f1 on MacOSX.

  4. danielIxoraStudios

    Dec 23, 2015 14:19

    Issue is marked fix in unity 3. it is not true!

  5. danielIxoraStudios

    Dec 23, 2015 14:17

    Verified that same problem is in unity 5.2. Just setting stream to true causes editor to crash on the 2nd run.

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