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Audio clip has to be Reimported to get correct compression values in Preview tab



Steps to reproduce:

1) Download attached project "" and open in Unity.
2) Drag and drop attached audio clip "test" in the Project tab.
3) Compare compression settings in Inspector tab and Preview tab.
Note: You should notice that Compression Format is different. (see image attached "different.png").
4) In project tab, clock on audio clip 'test' and Reimport it.
Note: Compression format changed in Preview tab. (see image attached "changed.png").

Expected result: Imported audio clip compression should be correct in preview tab at the beginning.

Actual result: you have to Reimport this audio clip to get correct compression in Preview tab.

Tested versions : 5.2.4f1, 5.3.5p5, 5.4.0b23

  1. Resolution Note:

    This behavior is correct. The audio importer inspector shows the importer settings, and the preview shows the properties of the actual imported audio clip.

    What happens is:
    - The clip gets imported with the original settings
    - OnPostprocessAudio is called _after_ the clip has been imported
    - The user code overrides the importer settings, but does not reimport the clip
    - The importer settings are now different than the settings for the actual imported clip, which is accurately shown by the importer inspector and the clip preview
    - The user reimports the clip
    - The new import settings are now applied
    - The clip now matches the import settings, and the states of the importer inspector and the clip preview reflect this

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