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[Animation] AnimationClips from Asset Store do not play in Preview



[Animation] AnimationClips from Asset Store do not play in Preview.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new project.
2. Go to Project window > Search by type > AnimationClip.
3. Click on the Search area list > Asset Store.
4. Select any clip from free assets. (Ex. Walk)
5. Go to Inspector window > Click on the Import-Package button.
6. Go to Asset store Previewer > Avatar icon > Unity Model.
7. Play the preview in Inspector.

Note: Video is attached for the reference.

Actual result:
AnimationClips from the Asset Store can not be previewed in Inspector.

Expected result:
AnimationClip is playing in Asset Store Preview.

Reproducible in:
2019.3.0a7, 2019.2.0b8, 2018.3.0f2, 2017.4.2f1

Mac and Windows.

  1. Resolution Note:

    The clips used on the Asset Store in this example do not preview with Unity's generic character, because they do not share a standard humanoid rig definition and/or do not animate root transform.

    If you import the Walk animation clip as suggested in the repro. You'll notice that this clip only animates a sprite reference which cannot be previewed in the animation clip inspector with the Unity Model.

    The result would have been the same if the asset had been imported in the project.

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